
Strategic, Practical, Effective


Shugart Portrait

My hands-on experience in the business world covers just about every facet of strategy, operations, and product/service delivery. I attribute my success to having a strong combination of analytical skills and creative vision.

I’ve worked in a wide variety of industries in different capacities that’s included agency, in-house, and freelance positions. To say that I’ve done it all isn't an overstatement. Over the years, I’ve developed skills in virtually all of the functions of the professional world, both the operational side as well as the management side.

I bring an extensive array of talents and skills to any project, including a solid background in a diverse assortment of mediums, venues and situations. And my knowledge of products and services covers a wide range of industries serving both the consumer and the business to business sectors. While such know-how can be valuable assets, in the end, it all comes down to being effective.    

 —Chris Shugart         

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