





This is an illustration from the children’s book Space Exploration. It’s futuristic in a 1950s sort of way. The book is still available from online book stores.

 Frontier Village, 1961

For my birthday in December 1961, my dad took me, Teri, and my best friend John Ranallo to Frontier Village. It was the middle of winter, so there weren’t a lot of people there. Note that the stagecoach ride is seriously lacking in modern safety regulations.

 Evora Drive, 1962

Evora Drive was our playing field for football, baseball, and kickball. There were two manhole covers at the “T” intersection; one was the pitcher’s mound, the other was home plate. The tree between the Ranallo’s house and the Maringtons was first base. The street sign at the corner of my house was second base and the tree at the other corner was third base. Anything that hit the roof of my house was a home run.

 Christmas 1961

Every Christmas my dad took lengthy home movie footage on Christmas Eve, and the following day. 1961 was as typical as any Christmas we had on Evora Drive. My mom liked to go all out with the decorating. My dad liked to give presents.

 Snow in Cambrian Park

January 21, 1962: To call snow in Cambrian Park a rare moment is an obvious understatement.