And it’s going to get uglier. Regardless of how far Biden manages to get through his campaign, it’s Donald Trump that will dominate the attention of Democrat operators. The concerted efforts to keep him off the ballot will undoubtedly continue. And we haven’t yet seen the worst of it, not by a long shot. The animosity and hatred aimed at Trump has been non-stop unrestrained attacks that have been unprecedented in American history.

In order to fully comprehend what’s fueling these quasi-legal indictments, it’s vital to understand that Democrats truly believe that Trump is an “existential threat to democracy.” They also believe that Trump is as bad as Hitler, or even worse. Because they truly believe this, they consider themselves morally justified and legally obligated to eliminate him by any means necessary. And it’s likely that they have plans on how to keep his supporters under control as well.

What’s a normal ordinary American to do?

Study the opposition. Scrutinize everything they say and monitor what they do. Observe, decipher, analyze, report. Come to know the opposition better than they know themselves. Take nothing for granted. Not the Constitution, not the Bill of Rights, nor local laws and regulations. Conduct yourself with the assumption that there are no laws they won’t be willing to ignore, bypass, or violate. If it means keeping Trump from a second term, there’s no action too severe for the anti-Trump fanatics to impose on their political rivals.

Be prepared. There’s no telling how ugly it’s going to get.