Election 2024

There Are Other Forces at Work in This World

Politico recently reported that VP candidate JD Vance is an avid fan of J.R.R Tolkien, as well as Tolkien’s colleague C.S. Lewis. During the GOP convention, Vance mentioned to a friend, “I’m a big ‘Lord […]

Election 2024

Divine Providence

There’s been a lot of discussion and speculation that perhaps divine providence played a role in Trump’s surviving his attempted assassination. Though I’m not qualified to speak to that in a religious context, I can […]

Election 2024

Biden/Trump Debate, Dumbest Analysis Ever

“President Biden was hurt badly by the debate, but Donald Trump didn’t benefit on any measure, except the vote.” Jared Mitovich, Politico, June 19 2024 You gotta love the incisiveness of this penetrating analysis. It’s […]

Tales From the Swamp

Better Living Through Government

If it wasn’t so pathetic, it would be hilarious. On March 19, The New York Times published a video titled “It Turns Out the ‘Deep State’ is Actually Kind of Awesome.” Wow. And the subhead […]

civil war

What? Not Another Civil War?

If our country were a marriage, there’d be a lot of people asking for a divorce right now. And we know how messy those can be. When irreconcilable differences go unresolved between spouses, one or […]