Guidelines, Tips, and Procedures

Submitting material:

Send your manuscripts as a Word file, RTF, Plain Text or HTML.

Images can be just about any graphics format.

Choose a Category:

We are currently looking for contributing articles for the following categories:

  • High School Stories

These can be anecdotes or personal experiences inside or outside the classroom. Essays on academics, teachers, athletics, social events, after-school clubs, and the arts are some of the subjects that might make for an interesting article.

  • The Seventies

Politics, popular culture, entertainment, technology, and news events that took place during our high-school years can be first hand experiences, observations, or commentary.

  • Memorable Moments

These are not limited to your high school years. And they can be any kind of life event or experience that had some kind of meaningful impact.

  • Perspectives

This is an all-purpose category about life and living. Share your knowledge, wisdom, and valuable lessons learned.

  • They Came From Saratoga

Do you have an interesting story about a fellow classmate? This can be about anything from any time.


You may also suggest a new category, if you think it would be a better fit for your article. Also, in addition to whatever primary category you choose, contributions might fall into other categories as well.


Publishing and Editing

Authors retain all publishing rights of their material. “The Falcon Chronicles” publishes submitted work with their permission.

In order to maintain high publishing standards, some editing will occasionally occur. Although the substance of any submitted material will never be altered, spelling and grammar will be corrected if necessary, and attempts will be made to improve confusing or ambiguous sentence structure.

All authors have the option of assistance if requested. Our editor is available to provide advice, suggestions, and other help towards achieving written works that are the best they can be.

Ladies and Gentlemen, start your keyboards!