Top: Sophomore class officers, Bart Palmos; President, Judy Plicka; Vice-President, Linda Hexem; Treasurer, Jennifer Eagleston; Secretary.


Bottom: Junior class officers, Phill Stillman; Treasurer, Scott Paisley; President, Lisa Keith; Treasurer, Dick McDonald.


class officers 1970


class officers 1971



Winter would occasionally bring snow to the Santa Cruz Mountains. It wasn't unusual for a few hearty students to head up Hwy 9 during lunch time and bring back a trunk full of snow.

sport ribbons

From Linda (Bridgeman) TenZeldam's scrap book. These ribbons promoted both football and basketball games and sold for something like a dollar.

gorilla suit



The yearbook caption reads, "Devon Thomas and Pam Ornellas participate at a ralley." There's no mention of the guy in the gorilla suit seated prominently bottom, left. Apparently no one on the Talisman staff were aware that it was National Gorilla Suit Day.


National Gorilla Suit Day

gorilla suit



That's English and Drama teacher Judith Sutton as Leona Stevenson from the play Sorry, Wrong Number; part of a trilogy of dramas presented at the Saratoga High Fall Play production. Junior Gina Bagne was originally cast in the lead role but was injured in a minor traffic accident on the day of Opening Night. Rather than scrap the performance, Mrs. Sutton decided to take on the role herself. She crammed all day in a furious attempt to learn the lines. At the night of the performance, she was assisted by someone hidden behind the set feeding her the lines in a soft whisper. Under the circumstances, the courageious effort was considered a success.



Gina Bagne







Regretably, Gina'a recovery would prevent her from performing in any of the subsequent engagements. It was a major loss, as the entire cast and crew thought that Gina had created a unique and compelling character that was bound to be an impresive and memorable performance.