Order Your Tickets Now!


Tickets are $135 per person.


The last day to purchase tickets has been extended to Aug 31st. We're having a great response, and having you join us will make it The Best Reunion Ever!


Fine Print: Cancellations made before
Sep 1st will be given a full refund.
No refunds after Aug 31st.


Be sure to buy your tickets by Aug 31st: They won't be available at the door!


Due to an increase in fees and recent Federal and State tax implications the decision was made to accept checks only. If you are not able to pay by check please contact Victoria (Wilds) Zeischegg at mom.victoria@gmail.com to make other arrangements.




1) Make checks payable to: SHS Reunion


2) Send to: SHS72 Reunion
    20168 SW Inglis Dr.
    Aloha, OR 97007


After you have made out your check, please go to our Registration Page to confirm your order, and fill out some information so we can ensure that all of your needs and requests are met.


Donations are also welcome.